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Opinion & Articles

Wasiir Cali Mareexaan oo hal arrin ku eedeeyay Xisbiga Waddani

Hargeysa (Hargeisa Press)- Wasiirka wasaaradda Warfaafinta, Dhaqanka iyo Wacyigelinta Somaliland, Cali Maxamed Xasan (Cali Mareexaan), ayaa sheegay in xisbiga mucaaridka ah ee Waddani laga...

Latest Somali News

Hay’adda PSPH oo Somaliland ku qabatay shir lagu gorfeynayay Caymiska Caafimaadka...

Hargeysa (HargeisaPress)– Shir Lagu Lafo-gurayey sidii Kor loogu Qaadi lahaa caymiska caafimaadka Somaliland ayaa maanta oo lagu qabtay Magaalada Hareysa. Munaasibadii loo sameeyey qabsoomida shirka...

Latest English News

UK: Liverpool County Council recognized Somaliland as an independent country

The Local Council of the City of Liverpool in the United Kingdom has announced that they have recognized Somaliland as an independent country. The local...

Djibouti’s Interference in Somaliland’s Internal Affairs: Violations of International and Regional Principles

The deal between Somaliland and Ethiopia, signed in January 2024, has significantly shaken up the geopolitical dynamics in the Horn of Africa region. According...

From Humble Beginnings to Regional Powerhouse: The Inspiring Story of SAGALJET

HARGEYSA– Imagine a young company, a single office brimming with hope and a dream: to revolutionize printing in Somaliland. This was Sagaljet in 2007,...

The chairman of HCC explained the content of this year’s motto of Independence

Chairman of the Cultural Center of Hargeisa Dr. Jama Muse Jama explained the meaning of this year's slogan of Self-Esteem and the number of...

The former US Ambassador to Sub-Saharan Africa praised the Somaliland Electoral Commission for the...

The former ambassador of the United States to sub-Saharan Africa, Mr. J. Peter Pham, praised the Somaliland Electoral Commission for the schedule of the...

The Electoral Commission has released the Election Campaign Schedule

The Somaliland Electoral Commission has today released the dates of the 2024 election schedule, in which they have presented a table with the dates...

Mo Farah witnesses climate change impact on child malnutrition in Somaliland

During a visit to Somaliland, Sir Mo Farah, Sav the Children ambassador and four-time Olympic gold medallist, witnessed the sever impact of climate change...

The Ethiopian government is training the most military forces in Somaliland

The government of Somaliland has today sent the largest number of troops to Ethiopia for military training. Somaliland's military forces have been sabotaged by the...

Somaliland: President Bihi granted amnesty to 377 prisoners

The President of the Republic of Somaliland, His Excellency Muse Bihi Abdi, granted amnesty to those accused of minor crimes, and pardoned the prisoners...

The United States: We have received information that the Somaliland Elections will be postponed

The United States government has warned of a plan to postpone the Somaliland presidential and political elections scheduled to take place in the country...

M-PESA Partners with Dahabshiil for Easier Money Transfers to Ethiopia

Ethiopians abroad can now send money directly to M-PESA wallets following Safaricom’s partnership with Dahabshiil. In a move that will simplify sending money to Ethiopia,...

The Ethiopian government has denied withdrawing from its agreement with Somaliland

ADDIS ABABA— The Ethiopian government has released new information about the memorandum of understanding it signed with the Somaliland government earlier this year. Ethiopia has also...

Somaliland: President inaugurates the Certificate Examination for Primary and Secondary Schools 2024

The President of the Republic of Somaliland H. E. Muse Bihi Abdi, has inaugurated the kicking-off of the national certificate examination for the fourth...

Somalia reveals that they are behind the perpetrated allied war in Las Anod

The government of Somalia has revealed the role they significantly played in the war of the allied groups last year in the town of...

Hassan Sheikh, MPs from Somaliland pressured Djibouti to give up the African Union presidency

Mogadishu— Fosiya Yusuf Haji Aden, one of the members of the Somali Parliament, spoke for the first time about the pressure from the Somalia's top...