There Is a Light Appears In Corner Africa Or Horn Of Africa, Where It Is Locate, What Is The Purpose Behind It?? Write It: Abdirahman Zaied Farah (Jeesto).

Abdirahman Zaied Farah (Jeesto)

International pilgrimage in all walks of life or in the lifestyle of their state-of-the-art leadership, they all have a glimpse of bridges in the horn of Africa, like a glittering globe on the globe, or Heavenly Bodies, According to senior researchers and extraordinary researches carried out in the study of balloons that these areas are ancient historian history (Historical Score). and this geographical change in the geography of the earth is the first of its kind in the world and the way it exists or the fact that the country’s middleman is half the size of the country, and that is what the world has just been to the continent. split, go, they are no Continental Drifts, which were all reported in the study but were concealed.

So what is the question of this place in the area where it is buried in the common sense? In fact, in the past or in the field, this area is not clear and is not disclosed but is alive and well-known by experts or major states, but not publicity, because of the fact that there are so many places where people are not justified on the moon, The skyscraper was seen to see the light in the corner of the Horn of Africa after the suspicion of the light was discovered and researched and then they were found to be active in the countries they were in, and they were separated from each other. “This is where the miracle is so big that it’s going to be somewhere in the near future.

Although at present it is raided in a place where I suspect someone is in doubt, with the idea that many other intelligent scholars have most of the allegations in the Horn of Africa especially in the territory of the state of Somaliland, which has a large number of tribal and traditional heroes since ancient times (Calayhi Salaame Nabiyu Laahi Muse) whose search and foundations were found, this area is a coastal area in the history of Somaliland or the presence of the ancient  society  when It is the only place to speak or read, the history of remembering, and not in the same place as the City of Priests and Successes, since many of the intellectuals and intellectuals have trusted, and have relied on this vision of many ancient civilizations as they saw it Let’s say the ancient legendary songs in the town of Saylac, then they claim that it is possible that the question is taken from Saylac about this matter.

It also shows you that this place is waiting for the Earth to wake up as all the world and the world go through this valley in the midst of the tactics they know, a little bit of light that all of the world has come up with the Djabouti where they look at the miracles of this place. in the half of them know and half of them are called gravity or suspicion, either by the side of it, it is clear that there is a coat of arms, looking at the treasures, and their swords are in no doubt about the ghost is a place where God teaches a lot of important things and that all of these communities are accountable for a boy and a man.

When we look at the things that are famous for the Saylac, it is the dominant core of the present amino ancestry or the times of the Nation and the Gentiles to the Prophet Nabiyu Lahu Mosa, who is suspected of belonging to the two-stage mosque, translations of ancient velayats, and tools used by these nations that are seen in the field of science, the science and the nature of what we believe is that this area is suddenly emerging


Write  It:  Abdirahman   Zaied   Farah  (Jeesto).    

Diplomatic  Annalism



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