President Ahmed Silaanyo: A statesman and Nation-Builder whose legacy deserves to be continued! Author: Eng. Hussein Adan Igeh (Hussein Deyr)


The state visit of the President of the Republic of Somaliland H.E. Ahmed M.M. Silanyo and his delegation to the Republic of Ireland reminded me of the old truth that sometimes pictures are worth more than thousands words. History shows again and again that behind every successful nation, there is a great man. However, the leader who tries to succeed must expect to be criticized. The leader who makes a success of an important venture never wails for the crowd. It takes nerve, it takes a great lot of grit; but the man that succeeds has both. The public admires the leader who has enough confidence in himself to take a chance; these chances are the main things after all. Success is the accomplishment of that which most people think can’t be done. President Ahmed Silaanyo represents the hope and legitimate aspirations of Somaliland people for ever-lasting freedom, self-determination and independence within the free nations of the world.


During the official state visit to Dublin, the Republic of Ireland, President Silaanyo and his delegation have been invited to attend at the renowned Irish centre for peace & reconciliation (Glencree Centre for Peace & Reconciliation).

President Silaanyo and his delegation had the time and space to talk about Somaliland’s case and cause. President Ahmed Silaanyo, Minister Mohamed Bihi and Minister Hersi Ali Haji Hassan have put forward the way in which Somaliland people have developed a unique form of governance which could be a model for state-building in other countries in the region or elsewhere. President Silaanyo and his delegation have presented (in both style and substance) how the people of Somaliland have tremendously demonstrated their ability to combine traditional social system with modern democratic principles through grassroots.


The central message in which the President and other dignitaries put forward was as follows: “Somaliland’s form of governance is a valuable global approach and the art of managing affairs for those seeking to build stable governments in a fragile and volatile region where failed states are rather common than exception. The form of Somaliland’s institutions of governance, including the mix of traditional and modern political arrangement, has evolved over time in response to changing governance needs and public ideas. This capacity to change the institutional framework without the overthrow or wholesale renovation of the nation has been critical in the sustainability of state- and peace-building processes and progress in governance. But it is noteworthy that Somaliland’s governance and state building institutions faced a daunting dual task: cultivating legitimacy in the eyes of its own people and refining a sense of external legitimacy as a fundamental part of the pursuit for recognition. Somaliland’s hybrid political order is based on balancing of internal and external demands for legitimacy while developing rule-governed engagements to build up interaction, which is an exceptional achievement. ”

Eng. Hussein Deyr
                                           Eng. Hussein Deyr

President Ahmed Silaanyo, Minister Mohamed Bihi and Minister Hersi Ali Haji Hassan have jointly underlined how Somaliland (throughout the time and without significant help or support from outside) has succeeded to provide the country’s population to enjoy a peaceful and congenial environment in which they live side by side in a peace and social stability. Furthermore, President Silaanyo and his delegation have voiced that the people of Somaliland should have been rewarded for their credentials, democratic achievements and sustained stability in a volatile region. The Republic of Somaliland should have been long time ago recognised as a member of international community, at least it had deserved to be regarded as de facto independent nation. They also expressed their discontent regarding the indifferent attitude of the International Community towards the Republic of Somaliland and how they time and time again denied the rights for self-determination and the aspiration of Somaliland people. President Ahmed Silaanyo and his delegation have concluded their plea with an all-encompassing message to the International Community: “the time has come when the International Community should show the courage and decisiveness to recognize the Republic of Somaliland as a full member of the global community!”


The government of President Ahmed Silaanyo is steadfastly determined to remain actively involved in all major diplomatic fronts without any concession upon the sovereignty, integrity and independence of the Somaliland Republic as well as the aspirations and self-determination of its people. This government believes fully in exploring of all options (socio-economic and diplomatic advancement) to achieve its goals which best meets the needs and challenges facing Somaliland people today. President Ahmed Silaanyo’s government strives to strengthen the key elements that work for the social fabric and public interest and bring our citizens together, putting emphasis on our shared values, history and common destiny that enables us to pull together as a nation.


In conclusion, a leader should be judged on the basis of his historical and political credentials, vision and moral conviction. President Silaanyo’s life and legacy is the biggest lesson, motivation, inspiration and commitment that any Somaliland President can give to this great nation, the Republic of Somaliland. President Ahmed Silaanyo has dedicated his whole life to a dignified and righteous cause: the work of building hope, optimism and opportunity for Somaliland people where, before his before his administration came to power, too little of either existed. President Silaanyo is a leader who represents the hope and aspiration of Somaliland people and his legacy deserves to be continued.


GOD bless the Republic of Somaliland and its Noble people


Eng. Hussein Adan Igeh (Hussein Deyr) [Hargeisa, Somaliland]


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