Gollis University has awarded degrees to Physicians who have completed training in Gynecology


Gollis University held a certification ceremony for 15 doctors who completed a special training in ultrasound technology, which is used to diagnose pregnancy and other diseases in women (Obstetric and Gynecology Ultrasound).

The event which was held at the university center, was attended by the president of Gollis University, Syed Mohamed Ahmed, the dean of the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery, Dr. Abdinasir Mohamed Muhammad, doctors and other guests.

The purpose of the event was to honor the doctors who have worked hard to get more important skills to serve the society, especially in the field of women’s health research.

This training, which lasted for three months, consisted of two parts: a theoretical part, which taught the basics of ultrasound and the understanding of gynecological diseases and a practical part, where the doctors were directly trained in the use of the ultrasound equipment by using it. real medical cases.

This training was provided by Dr. Mohamed Ibrahim Ali, a senior specialist in Sonology, equipped with a high-level knowledge of PhD. Dr. During his training, Mohamed focused on how the doctors can get effective skills to serve the patients efficiently.

Finally, the doctors who participated in the training, expressed their gratitude to Gollis University and Dr. Mohamed Ibrahim Ali, describing this program as very important for their professional skills and the quality of health services in the community.

Gollis University, promises to continue to provide quality training to enhance health skills and other important services to society.


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