PRESS RELEASE: New interim uk home office measures introduced to facilitate travel for Somaliland passport holders who possess U.K. biometric residence cards or permits


Hargaysa(hargeisapress) PRESS RELEASE: New interim uk home office measures introduced to facilitate travel for #Somaliland passport holders who possess U.K. biometric residence cards or permits.

What this means is that in the short term and effective immediately,somaliland citizens with resident rights in the UK will now be perrmitted to enter the uk when they are back from somaliland by presenting a combination of two travel and identification documents at the border entry point:

1) a valid UK issued biometric residence permit/card and

2) Thier somaliland passport.

Warbixintani waxay la micna tahay in bulshada reer somaliland ee sita passportka somaliland maanta laga bilaabo loo ogal yahay in u safraan dalkooda kuna soo galaan passportka somaliland laguna siiyo passportka fiiso daganaansho UK dhexdeeda.

Arintani waxay ka dhigan tahay in ay ka maarmi doonaan dadka ama qoysaska is qaba ee passportka somaliland ku taga Dalka UK inta ay ka helayaan passportka UK ay isticmaali doonaan ka somaliland ee ay u dhasheen waxay u badali doontaa travel document waraaqdii sharciga ee safarka ama dhaqdhaqaaqa ee UK laga siin jiray.

Waa talaabo guul u ah umadda reer somaliland waxaanan mahad gaara iska leh Wakiilka SOMALILAND u fadhiya Dalka UK Ambassador Ayan Mohamud cashuur shaqo balaadhan ayaa idiin bilaabantay Good step insha alah guul

Ahmedyasin sh omar ahmed Furre



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