Competition Al Waxyayn Qur’an and hadith Horn Hotel Ambassador


tartanka qurHargeysa, (HargeisaPress) — It formally opens Ambassador Hotel in Hargeisa round 2 of the Qur’an and Hadith of Competition Al Waxyayn the year 2014.

Al Waxyayn competition, competition is the largest in the elections of the Republic of Somaliland. This year’s competition involved students all 681 competitors, including girls and boys, who are from various regions Vacancies, Togdheer, Awdal, Sahil and Sanaag.

Al Waxyayn competition, competition is the first of its Somaliland as equally competitive for both inspiration (the Quran and Prophet Muhammad PBUH). Section Quran students compete with Jiz 10, 20 and 30 Jiz Jiz while the Hadith are competing for two books: the Arbaciin Anawawi and Taraweeh Quran

Competition Al Waxyayn row who muxsiniin various led by British company, Ambassador Hotel, Jubba Airlines, the International Committee of Getting head by whole Quran and the Dar Al Bir.

2nd round of the competition, the participants will be 188 students, we will walk 16 – 18 Ramadan scheduled 14 – July 16, 2014 By The award ceremony will be held on Friday Insha Allah.

Hargeisa Press News Desk — Hargeysa


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