UK court clears Djibouti’S Boreh of terrorism charges, unfreezes asset


HargeisaPress —An appeals court in the United Kingdom has cleared Djibouti’s business tycoon Abdourahman Boreh of terrorism charges leveled against him by the Djibouti government, ordering to unfreeze millions of dollars of assets of him frozen by international banks.

Mr. Boreh, a former presidential candidate for Djibouti has been battling the charges for years after he was expelled from Djibouti under the orders of President Ismail Guelleh.

The UK court ruled against Djibouti court’s 2013 decision to freeze his assets, discrediting previous witnesses accounts, ignoring to pay particular regard to what the judge described as their ‘motives and to overall probabilities.

In one case, the Djibouti government presented an audio of Mr. Boreh speaking to someone on attacks in Djibouti as evidence; however, Mr. Boreh denied the authenticity of the audio.

“Accordingly, for the reasons set out above, the application by Mr Boreh to set aside the Freezing Order is granted in respect of the freezing injunction and ancillary relief to it but refused in respect of the proprietary relief.” The judge of the court said at the conclusion of the hearing.

Mr Boreh, who was in court to hear the judgment, said “I am deeply grateful to judge Flaux for clearing my name. The English justice system and courts have a truly well-deserved reputation for integrity and independence,”

“I am also deeply grateful to the Emirati (UAE) authorities and courts for not handing me over to Djibouti so that I have been able to defend myself in England.  The last years have been truly devastating for me and my family. I feel as if Djibouti, their lawyers and Kroll formed some kind of “hit squad” to destroy me and my family, spending tens of millions of dollars whilst people are starving in Djibouti. It cannot be justified on any level.” He added.

No comments could be reached from Djibouti authorities on the court’s decision, however, the UK court’s verdict ends a prolonged legal battle between Djibouti’s government and Mr. Borreh who currently lives exile.




Hiiraan Online
Tuesday, March 24, 2015


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