Somaliland demands a role in Red Sea Countries Cooperation Initiative


HARGEISA — Somaliland government expressed reservations about the Saudi Arabia-led initiative to create cooperation for countries along the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden.
The Red Sea entity is an initiative unveiled by King Salman in order to promote stability in the region. The initiative will bring together Egypt, Sudan, Djibouti, Yemen Somalia and Jordan.

“The republic of Somaliland considers the recently-announced initiative to estbalished an entity of cooperation with six countries bondering the redsea and the Gulf of Aden, a strategic area and a vital global shipping line as incomplete without the participation of Somaliland.”Said Somaliland MFA Statement

“Somaliland has succesfully safeguarded terrorist and pricy from its land and coastal waters , and will not delegate the security of its 850-Kilometer territorial water to any other country”Statement added

The Somaliland Foreign Ministry statement found fault with the press release on the Red Sea Initiative the considers Somaliland as part of Somalia.

“Somaliland is an independent and sovereign country, and any agreement between regional countries that considers Somaliland as part of Somalia is a mistake and unacceptable to Somaliland.”

Meawhile, Somaliland government welcomes any cooperation initiative that actively contributes to the security and prosperity of countries along the Red Sea

“However, we look forward to any cooperation that actively contributes to the security and prosperity of this area without compromising the sovereignty of any country.” 


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