Safiirka Somaliland ufadhiya Emarites Xasan Hirad oo la kulmay CEO Dpworld ee bariga dhexe & Africa Mr Suhail Albanna


Hargaysa-Hargeisapress Safiirka Somaliland ee u fadhiya Emarites Xasan Yaasiin Hirad wuxuu maanta la kulmay saraakiisha ugu sarsaraysa shirkadda DPWORLD gaar ahaan CEO ahna maamula daanta bariga dhexe Mr Suhail Al banna iyo Awad mustafa oo ah maamula xidhiidhka Dp world ee daanta bariga dhexe,waxaanay ka wada hadleen mashruuca dekadda berbera iyo arimo ku saabsan horumarka dekadda berbera.

The Somaliland UAE Trade Office met with Mr. Suhail Al Banna, CEO and Managing Director – Middle East and Africa, DP World and Mr. Awad Mustafa, Communications Manager – Middle East and Africa, DP World. DP World is a world leader in port management and has chosen to develop the strategic port of Berbera in the context of transferring bilateral relations for higher levels of joint cooperation. The two parties met together to discuss the details of the project.


Hargaysapress main office


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